A Post-Mortem on the Gachapon Exia Trans-Am Bust

My electric screwdriver was too kind a punishment.


The Good

+ Gaaaaahhhhhh

+ Ewwwwwwww

+ Suck my beam saber

The Bad

- My head hurts

- I'm pretty sure my fingertips are dented

- I could wander drunk into a Ford assembly line and design parts that fit together better than this with one hand tied to the ceiling and the other jammed in an industrial press
- If your instructions are so minimalist that you can only barely tell that you're supposed to attach the cockpit hatch, they officially have more use as a napkin

- The Gachapon capsule could have contained a game boy camera photo of Tomino enthusiastically rinsing his wrinkly scrote in a Temizuya and it still would have been a better use of my gacha tokens than this

- The Zaku head I also got was perfectly fine, being a Gachapon prize is no excuse
- Who puts the V-fin in the base? And who jams it in there hard enough to necessitate tweezers?

- At least I had enough patience to finish the Gunbuster

- Fuck this kit

Building Experience: NO
Completed Kit Rating: PISS OFF
